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Coach Approach

Our Mission: To help people create the life they want and deserve

This is for the people that...

  • Feel Worn Down

  • Living under their potential

  • Need Clarity

  • Feel Lost

And who want...

  • More Energy

  • to maximize their potential

  • Find Clarity

  • Find Purpose

Jogging Partners

Philosophy of Coaching

Coaching is about empowering people to attain the best version of themselves. What we call self-actualization. This program is not to tell you all the things you are doing wrong. It isn't focused on just checking boxes. Our coaching approach is about meeting people where they are at, identifying their goals, finding their passion and then creating a strategy to attain those goals. We aren't seeking perfection, just progress. We do this by first identifying changes that provide large results with little effort.  Next we focus on two areas, your health and what we call work-ability. Because if what you are doing is not important to you then why should it even matter. Work-ability is a process in which we identify if what you are doing now is sustainable or do we need a complete shift. Then finally, your health. Your body is the most powerful tool you have, is it equipped for the life you want to live. If you are ready to find out more, contact us now.

Coaching Interventions

Built into 45-minute in person time blocks with a virtual option.  Each client will meet with their coach who will guide them through the burnout prevention program. The client will have direct access to their coach and sessions will be built around meeting the patient's goals. This program is comprehensive and for people who want to change their life for the better and if that is you then let us help.

Climbing a Cliff

Schedule Your Coaching Consulatation Today

There is never any need for clients to travel. ElevatePT is a concierge service. From our home base in Frisco, Texas, we bring the care to you! So get in touch today to schedule your consultation today.

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